La Universidad de Alcalá:The university was founded in 1499 by Cardenal Cisneros and was the center of academic excellence in Spain, particularly in the 16th and 17th centuries. The famous facade is an excellent example of the estilo plateresco plateresque style. The University is also the site where the Cervantes Literary Prize is presented by the King annually on April 23.
El Museo Casa Natal de Cervantes:See the house where the famous author of El Ingenioso Hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha was born and lived his early days. The museum recreates life in 16th century Spain and includes a room of manuscripts from around the world.
La Catedral-Magistral:One of only two magisterial cathedrals in Europe. Inside one can visit la Cripta de los Santos Niños, the tomb of persecuted Catholic children.
Corral de Comedias. Located in the main square Plaza Cervantes is one of the oldest "Corral de Comedias" kind of theatre in Europe.
House of Hyppolytus. Is nowadays one of the better fitted-out Roman archaeological complexes in the Madrid area. Interpreted so far as the schola of a collegium iuvenum was built at the end of the 3rd century or beginnings of the 4th century A.D. It is famous for its well preserved mosaics.
Complutum. Archaeological rests of the Roman Alcalá which was called Complutum
Archbishop's Palace. Built by Toledo's prelates as a fortress-castle along centuries fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. It was transformed into a Palace by Archbishops in sixteenth century. Catalina de Aragón and Emperor Ferdinand from Germany were born here, John I of Castille died in the same place, and it took place the first interview between Elizabeth the Catholic and Cristopher Columbus, six years before America's discovery.
House of the Interview. A Franciscan convent founded in sixteenth century by Cardinal Cisneros to lodge the nuns of the order. Currently is home of the House of the Interview, exhibition room that owes its name to the memory of the interview that took place in the Archbishop's palace between Queen Elizabeth The Catholic and Cristopher Columbus.
Archaeological Museum . Is the Archaeological Museum from the Comunidad de Madrid, the Old Madre de Dios monastery-college XVII c.. After its restoration has been adapted to become the Archaeological Museum: a very relevant collection of Roman Art.
Hospital Our Lady of the Mercy or Antezana. Aristocratic house from fifteenth century that became Charity Hospital in 1483. It is considered to be the oldest private sanitary institution that has been working non stop since then in Europe.
Colegio de San Ildefonso. Beside the University is where the impressive Cardenal Cisneros's tomb is located.